
So cool!Muse...

发表于 2012-6-13 10:30:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

5 d9 w: ^2 p- [% R: Z! R
' Z; D6 B+ R9 v1 U1 {* P7 dSo cool weather today!
) W) x  l5 j- l8 M! m& b- @/ z  etogether with a cool song is neccessary!
) ]3 c/ F6 V# q1 @# K: k- S4 i1 h
介于今日好天气,配首cool D嘅歌仔吧!呼啦啦。。。' Z2 c7 F! L2 p
: b! B9 S$ b9 o
. E* H4 l& F- O7 k  ^- |' T) X; l3 E
Muse - Supermassive Black Hole; \; e9 P( x5 a2 P
Album:Black Holes and Revelations+ f) {: f# `: ^% z

' {7 h$ q! C# A9 tOh baby dont you know I suffer?
  _! w+ V# h1 i( q9 E0 WOh baby can you hear me moan?
% {, H, ^. P$ |6 pYou caught me under false pretenses: y; r+ D/ _* J. R! Z# ?) `
How long before you let me go?5 ?( r6 @! \4 L  w: O; z% ^
You set my soul alight
" d7 J+ A6 @8 J% M5 h/ `5 T9 O  LYou set my soul alight
- I+ R/ [) @: p3 a9 t2 a% `Space shields melting in the dead of night
  V" Z% {2 ?5 `2 ^* O" Z4 sAnd the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'
! f( g+ z; [4 ?5 ESpace shields melting in the dead of night
6 y- w" C4 k( c: T8 H6 V+ H. rAnd the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'* d) T) E' f1 }! Q: I
I thought I was a fool for no-one5 ?+ d& `9 j8 D
Oh baby I'm a fool for you
' B  U/ H5 ~" `, M& hYou're the queen of the superficial
8 A1 Z" F' c* CAnd how long before you tell the truth
4 ~5 z& R% b' UYou set my soul alight
  V8 W. L6 I9 ?, RYou set my soul alight; U* G8 t' @- Q& ]! w& e+ J/ S8 l
Space shields melting in the dead of night9 @2 F/ [3 z2 [
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive" S2 B8 q; u3 w9 q
(You set my soul alight)
# y9 \* n/ Y/ M4 jspace shields melting in the dead of night8 t/ G+ K; p; {
and the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'- ?& e6 e4 O$ I* n; ]6 _4 z
(You set my soul alight)
/ k9 c! A3 d1 |4 x, d) gSupermassive black hole3 Y4 Q: F& Z9 |$ U$ c9 T6 ^
Supermassive black hole
; Q9 `- v* i* Z- E+ WSupermassive black hole
. u% W7 D3 S. P0 xSpace shields melting in the dead of night  P; }% C; n! r6 L1 j
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive% @$ c3 u( g2 I) }6 v
Space shields melting in the dead of night/ h0 i  f: a  q9 ^/ v% R6 X; r
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
$ o  a( u4 r! S' v5 J9 R* Nspace shields melting in the dead of night
% x; Q6 T, b( m* ?/ Nand the superstars sucked into the supermassive2 N/ {, m" ?; {0 g
(oooooooh aaah you set my soul alight)
# M+ L: H& B6 m# BSpace shields melting in the dead of night" V' Y2 e# ^1 a
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
- ~( M, ~) r* S(You set my soul alight)# k, |& V6 F( H3 n! Q& d% F
Supermassive black hole
7 A1 s3 t" ]9 [' i. Z+ W7 ?Supermassive black hole2 s9 B, @  T1 R1 F
Supermassive black hole% K5 r, t/ ~" i# N9 g

1 \0 ~$ E8 D+ I: Q5 a0 C% K
( x7 W, K. C$ I  h$ b# l# i5 Y" D* L5 r* j
/ I8 U% A/ ~+ P
发表于 2012-6-13 10:55:37 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-13 10:56:49 | 显示全部楼层
小小凝希 发表于 2012-6-13 10:55
1 r$ M0 X" H( R- J/ y好听,衬依家的心情,呵呵!

* [7 s; p7 y) b. Y  x今日要cool 滴!呼呼呼。。。
发表于 2012-6-13 13:24:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-13 13:43:43 | 显示全部楼层
sam1001 发表于 2012-6-13 13:24
' a/ y+ K( ?& S( j* A精神抖擞啦
4 Y1 ~+ v8 Q& J% q6 S" C2 k$ N3 ~
发表于 2012-6-13 14:09:55 | 显示全部楼层
Nicole木习习 发表于 2012-6-13 13:43 6 q# \+ Q  a2 s. z2 {) K8 ^

1 U  j$ Z* G  n& Q6 V# r9 N6 s. Z9 sdont,i can't control myself....
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-13 14:11:28 | 显示全部楼层
sam1001 发表于 2012-6-13 14:09 7 w2 \; T! M; q# E) B
dont,i can't control myself....

! b! G, t2 E1 u5 o4 n. Du can ...0 {* v# \- \( w( F3 `  s
trust urself

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