My Dear .....Chaochao

发表于 2012-4-27 23:30:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Nicole木习习 于 2012-4-30 23:34 编辑 + o6 P* ~1 `  C" A
( p/ }# T! z) K8 S3 R) E. \/ T
On my B day in 2008
4 r: D  \+ p! L4 G5 x% ~& bShe appeared just as a present; A" b& Y. [' ~) e* i, t$ i
Cos' she's pretty crumpled as if she's worn a wrinkle coat
! i+ q: F8 }$ y  P  J. dFrom the head to the tail
) U. J& j/ o' @# B7 XI even can't find a place on her body smooth& `6 j( o5 S1 }! h8 ~6 v2 i2 [' A

) \" g! ^) W2 K. v1 g$ FMaybe  as she's back on my B day
, a! F6 m7 B0 G% r" r/ j; a7 e9 a4 f) sShe and I are especially close7 g: s6 t6 V1 A$ d4 b
I love her* i/ p; B1 G" v4 S9 }5 J& I
We love her
( Y- C+ g& g% O4 L  R$ t9 ]6 }' E: @8 m8 L7 \
Her favourite hobbies are eating and sleeping, $ p' }) t' A; t/ [  k1 D3 r2 j0 h
almost everything we've eaten,
4 }% m+ j  M& b+ O" Kor say things that bwe will put into our mouths& p4 L7 a: C: @7 v3 G
she likes and eats it
- a5 H6 \2 D, j
$ m7 P( c* c; U) M9 \She is always in a highly vigilant state0 X( Q- X# I1 \2 ]9 s9 A& i
She can hear even a tiny toothpick dropping on the window. [9 w; _5 ]' _8 h# e
then, she barks at where it makes this noise' T3 i( [! ]7 a% `9 D, D8 p; h& E
When there are strangers coming into our house& k# O0 b2 C, f4 X5 K
She barks at them while smells them
9 {( z$ L3 W/ P4 `it seems as if she is looking over whether the men are safe to get in or not* L6 b3 m. l2 y+ ]

; W3 W9 ?/ m* j$ T0 w* I2 ?, y* W4 UMy mummy often strolls her on the street9 r2 Q* R, E- j" ]' v9 ~  h" S! c6 J: n
And Chaochao is crazy for this6 ~" ]3 V! g  S6 B
she loves going for a walk
" R: |$ R6 W0 ]- _she looks forward to going outside every second...- q$ b7 G# b' B# a, O
But if my we have not called her out
" ]+ j5 D$ D2 c7 K7 |% H. w/ a4 [) @she won't go out even if the door is opened
# m, e) ?+ L8 ?  ^& \% T1 F) X; j1 a% O7 X+ g9 ^8 s4 [3 e2 d2 U
Words seem to be so weak when I talk about her
1 @6 u! z8 _) G; o0 j. ~In many cases, words can't describe
; ]* K3 ]6 k  ?* q" l2 N& hjust too much about her: E" t6 s% e; s1 q
I can't even stop when I talk about Chaochao with others
& ]( V  Y- ~! y
: M6 I7 f" v4 t: R/ JIn the following days
+ B8 `' `) `: L, `( r- n: C" rwe'll still love her,care about her as our family as she is one of our family the day she came back5 I( b+ M$ P+ C- M

: v4 x1 o& G+ N( DLove U,Chaochao!
% f- D) l6 K, J1 m% hBest wishes!
  |; W4 R9 m7 }6 `: P7 P4 R+ ~5 l- x; W, {
Here are PICS recording the years she's growing up with us3 N7 \7 Y% n" w( u
4 I  @. h' ?4 ^; u8 B 20081214054.jpg / u% }  p! q, q
20081214053.jpg / f& A6 v" L. [0 i4 ]5 X! V1 `
& y3 f: N$ i  a& n1 E  W- S
20110702019.jpg 5 B* `* Z# Y  r: h
20110702017.jpg & ^$ P8 @/ m5 o! _, v! g' U' R
5 p7 ]( Y- Z- a

/ Q4 y+ |" S5 C" f$ Y0 Y$ o
" U5 @: `2 y8 S! H4 N8 K  Z4 C7 z* }3 A$ ]- X
发表于 2012-4-27 23:35:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-27 23:35:55 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-27 23:36:59 | 显示全部楼层
david-liu 发表于 2012-4-27 23:35
, m# p+ D4 E! B$ Q我有能力也会养一个给我最亲爱的
# h4 s9 O+ q+ S: s- s+ c; k& B
2 w# J0 {2 D5 c- |2 V可爱磨?{:175:}
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-27 23:37:36 | 显示全部楼层
david-liu 发表于 2012-4-27 23:35 0 D- W' u% \% K. s6 o& e

  U9 ^. P0 Z2 c, e0 V主要佢唔会太长毛。。。又乖(对住我哋果阵){:174:}
发表于 2012-4-27 23:43:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 放下 于 2012-4-28 08:58 编辑
: B' Q* C0 H. k- r& B, }( p. Z+ Z
I have never met her  although I have often heard you talked about her
发表于 2012-4-27 23:43:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 放下 于 2012-4-28 08:59 编辑
6 a7 a$ V- [6 E0 V. }0 c/ ^2 Y8 \) w& w/ v, b. E9 X
& ?6 z7 p, y# m( w3 r
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-27 23:44:32 | 显示全部楼层
放下 发表于 2012-4-27 23:43 - ]$ D# n6 \+ i+ f
I have never met her  although I have often heard you talk about her
  }: ]  d7 `. m: n
PICs first to comfort ur eager heart to see her...
, r$ ?0 d* I) O! ?, K& C{:104:}{:154:}
发表于 2012-4-28 00:30:38 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-28 00:32:53 | 显示全部楼层
李清水 发表于 2012-4-28 00:30 / N4 D1 {# D. r! L- t" F* f
5 C! E0 O0 A. L( f5 M% L( M8 `( z5 V
3 x* `3 r4 e% `% B5 `我爱犬。。。哈哈。。。名巢巢
发表于 2012-4-28 12:57:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
I really wander if she bate people?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-28 13:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
sam1001 发表于 2012-4-28 12:57
- P7 |8 E: m  ~5 mI really wander if she bate people?

) M3 E1 W* s1 @% _0 G) Q8 L( |! X1 fshe has never bitten one since she came back...
8 \) _6 y( C' p4 n  _but if some ill men threaten our falimy...7 x/ c' `; G9 _8 n9 }; A
it's hard to say...( I8 X6 m" {* b* V3 h
who knows{:100:}
发表于 2012-4-28 14:50:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-28 15:34:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Nicole木习习 发表于 2012-4-28 13:12# J; q3 z' O! e* S
she has never bitten one since she came back...3 O1 E; H; G5 b4 N1 ?
but if some ill men threaten our falimy...) J. y" y1 D% h7 ?3 I
it's  ...

4 Q+ A; z2 h! l$ P; ]* ii hope she never be out of control to hurt be frank, she is a little urgly,i beg you forgive my truly reflection.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-28 15:55:24 | 显示全部楼层
sam1001 发表于 2012-4-28 15:34 , k* X- X+ e' ~& T9 G, a
i hope she never be out of control to hurt be frank, she is a little urgly,i beg you f ...

: a8 J5 c& Z+ ]' ^: o+ Phaha...never mind...I knew it...but my family and my friends love her,n think she's cute...that's enough...

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