
Everything in the world ~ never give up

发表于 2013-11-10 21:02:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

+ v3 V% C: G1 Q" I
, Z: `3 U" y: g3 QHow many times you asked yourself before 在这之前,你问过自己多少次了
1 C8 k6 Z  \: Q3 |5 NWhat’s the point, wasting time             你是为了什么,浪费时间而已9 @1 @" e$ l  l; B3 @
But how many times you stand up for yourself  但是多少次你坚持住了,为了自己1 [: K* r/ X4 r% ]; h6 p, A' s
Make a point, you have a reason              告诉所有人,这就是你的理由- m; ^+ u1 M/ i1 p* z
You know, it’s not fair       你知道的,这不公平) t' {1 m8 t1 B$ G' e/ O( U, ]0 e
Your life, belongs to nobody else  你的生活不属于其他的任何人
' D+ h3 C2 M0 m3 qSo don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold 所以,别告诉我,这世上没有一个你想去拥有的人。7 K+ M1 P$ v4 Y  z5 I. c* C8 V. ~
You know you messed up but nobody can live alone 你知道你曾经一团糟,但是没有人能够单独地活着
# ]- t( x: ?) t: iSo don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world所以别告诉我在这世界上你什么都没留下
1 h* |- o& e% jJust open your eyes; you got everything in the world  只要张开眼睛,你便拥有了世界上的一切 8 f" @* s# Z4 H
How many times you want to give up yourself多少次你想过放弃自己
/ U6 _* l' h  N$ e" J6 _6 EOnce again, there’s no point又一次,你不知道意义是什么。% o4 f- K+ ]; j9 ?" G
But how many times you kept on moving on但是多少次你坚持着前进5 s+ U$ e) h7 Q9 r2 U1 l( R/ `* h
Once again, you have a reason又一次,你知道你为了什么
9 F# A- n" \# [# \6 R! {0 v% yYou know, it’s not fair你知道,这不公平
  C) p' M1 M3 C, G6 V- i8 LYour life, belongs to nobody else  你的生活,不属于其他的任何人
5 S  |* V& H, C6 DSo don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold所以别告诉我再也没有一个人你想去拥有
" n' Q( q9 u* _3 E8 L7 p/ }. DYou know you messed up but nobody can live alone你知道你曾经一团糟,但是没人能一个人活着
; c6 ^$ L4 S1 x( D1 d4 hSo don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world所以,别告诉我这世界什么都没留下
7 s" Q: Z! V' }) A4 VJust open your eyes; you got everything in the world  只要张开你的眼睛,你就拥有这世间的所有一切
% `* G) i! V2 Z0 V7 r- H, hDoes it make you wonder?它让你怀疑了吗?+ j/ D0 M! J5 E' f% G
Is it karma or is it fate这是因果报应呢?还是说这就是命运?
- p; F+ {! p! v! _/ s' FIs it you, or is it me是你呢,还是我呢1 ~5 K7 x- |: w8 u9 T: v6 S% z
Oh does it really make you falter这真的让你动摇了吗?
9 L6 k1 k- ?" E- [& T4 pDoes it make you want to believe? 它让你想要相信了吗?7 V. S8 c. I: A4 g
It is true, you’re like nobody else 这是真的,你是独一无二的一个& _# K0 y7 r4 B. B
I open my eyes; I have you in my world 我张开眼睛,我的世界里便拥有了你

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